Fender HM Bass - Made in U.S.A. Reviews 5

I saw it for sale on an auction and it was bought by this person by 1238$. this was one month ago. i bought mine around ten years ago so i can not realy say. i think it was close to tat sum. i bought it because it sounded perfect. and because the seller did'nt know what it was - kinda made it mysterious.

i like it's sound(s), and it's features.

I (and a fiew other belivers) think that HM stands for Heavy Metal. (i never checked it out though, not even in www.fender.com i never used it for metal (almost :-) though it is quite the thing for that - mostly -walking/funk it is NOT only for Heavy Metal but for... Anything!! it kinda always led me to negative thoughts about it he he.. (not realy)

4 string Bass guitar. 3 pickups 5 modes selector 2 potentsiometers. - volium - bass/trebel 22 frets NOT active (!!) though it sounds like one (!!) and though any profecinal old and wize guitar doctor that ever took care of it though it was ! weights 5.5kg

Peyote rated this unit 5 on 2002-10-20.

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